Thursday, February 12, 2009

[squeak-dev] ditching Monticello objects.

Keith Hodges keith_hodges at
Thu Feb 12 22:09:40 UTC 2009

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Adrian Lienhard wrote:
> ok, got it.
> Is there a way to load all the changes at once and/or get a list of
> the changes that are planned to go into 3.11?
> Adrian
There is a set of tasks in the Tasks package that highlighted about 100
fixes. However this is looking a bit untidy, and is being replaced by a
new system.

In mantis there are two new "status" levels, "testing" and "pending".

If you add an installer script to a bug report, switch the status to

If you feel that that fix is ready to be included in 3.11 switch the
status to "testing".

All of the status - "testing" fixes will go into the 3.11-test-candidate
image when Bob performs the next build.
All of the status - "resolved" fixes fixed in "3.11" fixes will go into
the 3.11-release-candidate.

So you can both contribute to and determine what is due to go into 3.11
by querying mantis.

So if you want to see what fixes are in 3.10-build-candidate, search in
mantis for fixes with status "resolved" - and fixed in - "3.10bc"



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