Saturday, February 13, 2010

Fwd: Re: [squeak-dev] Cuis Development With Bazaar and LaunchPad

>New video tutorial/demo uploaded.

Juan et al,

I have settled on the name "InstallSeries" rather than InstallStreams, for my multiple update streams implementation.

The latest release of my personal "InstallSeries" is, revno 5, and is available from:

bzr branch lp:~keithy/cuis/stable-kph

some documentation follows


>revno: 5
>committer: Keith Hodges <>
>branch nick: stable-kph
>timestamp: Sat 2010-02-13 23:00:39 +0000
> remove #presumeSentMethods, Initial SourceFiles refactoring


1) The StartupManager is available via 'environment startupManager'.

2) Classes may access startup arguments without creating a dependency upon
StartupManager because the startUp process calls #startUp: resuming with: startUpManager
on each class.

3) Classes may choose from alternative parameter interpreting methods.
The default being: #argAtKey: aKey ifAbsent: block
The startUp and shutdownLists are compiled by looking at all implementors of:
#startUpPriority and #shutDownPriority

Priorities are: #first #earliest #earlier #early #normal #late #later #latest #last

#hasImageMoved is available to determine if the image has moved since it was last saved.

Initial Refactoring of Sources access to be managed in the package System-Sources.

The ./Contents/Resources directory of a vm packaged as a one-click image, is now on the search path for the sources file.
Adopt an implicit means for allowing a method to declare itself as a presumed sent selector using:

self flag: #presumeSentSelector


Fwd: [squeak-dev] Cuis Development With Bazaar and LaunchPad

New video tutorial/demo uploaded.


Fwd: Re: [squeak-dev] [Cuis] LaunchPad to collaborate on Cuis2 development

[resend with updated information]

>I started 2 open groups on
><> For those interested in collaborating on Cuis and derived images.
><> - For anyone else.

Launchpad uses Bazaar2.0, I liked git for 1 day, but github doesnt offer open repositories, or open team projects, so it is back to the old faithful bazaar! is very cool though.

We have two projects so far


To use - begin by making yourself a local working directory...

# mkdir Cuis2.0_trunk
# cd Cuis2.0_trunk

Runtime and One-Click template
Checkout the vm runtime - this is also a one-click image template for you to branch from, or help improve.

# bzr branch lp:~rodents/cuis/

Incremental Kernel Development
Checkout the current Cuis2.0 kernel development repositories - these are the starting image and InstallStreams for incrementally moving the kernel forwards.

# bzr checkout --lightweight lp:~rodents/cuis/base
# bzr branch lp:~rodents/cuis/release
# bzr branch lp:~rodents/cuis/stable
# bzr branch lp:~rodents/cuis/unstable

1) cuis/base - the starting image to build on using InstallStreams

To check out Juan's original official release, rather than the most recent.
# bzr checkout --lightweight -r tag:Cuis2.0-0393 lp:~rodents/cuis/base test

2) cuis/release - the released updates (included in the release image)
This is intended to track Juan's official updates, which are tagged.
It also tracks ./base/Cuis2.0.1,image showing what it contains.

3) cuis/stable - branch & contribute back your tested updates here
In anticipation that these may get incorporated in the release by Juan.

4) unstable - branch & contribute your "being-tested" updates here

Unstable patches are not built by default.

The default search for updates is only 2 directories deep. In the unstable repository each contributed set of updates is published in a containing folder, and is 3 levels deep, escaping the standard search

"To apply a specific unstable update execute:"
InstallStreams updatesInstall: 'unstable/InstallStreams-testing'.

"To apply all unstable updates execute"
InstallStreams updatesInstall: 'unstable'.

Optional Kernel Innovations Development
InstallStreams providing optional kernel innovations may go in their own repositories, rather than release,stable, or unstable.

i.e. when you are ready to show the world...
# bzr push lp:~rodents/cuis/simple-namespaces
# bzr push lp:~rodents/cuis/pragmas
# bzr push lp:~rodents/cuis/nano-traits
# bzr push lp:~rodents/cuis/logging

Packages - Loadable with InstallStream
There is a separate project for sharing loadable packages.
In your working directory make a sub-directory for non-installed packages,
and checkout/branch your chosen packages there.

# mkdir packages
# cd packages
# bzr checkout lp:~rodents/cuis-packages/Installer

To manually load an individual package
InstallStream packagesInstall: 'packages/Installer'

To manually install all the packages you have checked out into ./packages
InstallStream packagesInstall: 'packages'

Generating the build
Juan's original release of Cuis2.0 does not appear to support the execution of a script on start up. So I have provided a modified image for you to begin with, this is called: (I should have called it 2.0.1-build or something less official looking, however if Juan doesn't mind, I will leave it as it is)


A simple script is provided in ./stable/ which copies the ./base directory into your working directory giving you a known starting point, and then launches the image with ./stable/ (on mac only for the moment)

A second simple script is provided in ./unstable/ which launches the image with ./unstable/

